Frequently Asked Questions

You may submit a request on our site to find an NRVIA Certified RV Inspector in your area. For more general questions, you may contact us at
Inspection prices are set by the RV Inspector and can be dependent on the type of inspection you purchase and the type of unit you have. Inspections can range between $200 and $1,400 and will depend on many factors. Ask your RV Inspector what pricing options they have for the unit you are considering.
Availability depends on the inspector you’ve selected for your inspection. An inspector may need to travel to your location. Keep in mind that some inspectors require all pre-inspection signature agreements and full payment to be made before the inspector begins the inspection.
The amount of time an inspection can last is dependent on the type of unit and depth of inspection you’ve paid for. Obviously, more in-depth inspections are going to take several hours (maybe 4 to 6 hours) where a basic inspection may only take a couple of hours or less.
We do encourage clients to be present during the inspection so you may receive the full benefit of having the unit inspected. You can watch as the Inspector completes the inspection and be available to answer questions that the Inspector may have about the unit. Each inspector will have their own requirements for if you are present during the inspection. Please check with them first.
We encourage you to make sure that the unit has all utilities connected for a minimum of 12 hours so all systems can be inspected. If you have any owner manuals or appliance manuals, please have those available to the inspector at the beginning of the inspection. Ask your inspector for other items that you can do to help prepare for the inspection.
Internal parts depend on oils and coolants to remain stable between service intervals. Oil and coolant analysis tells you when your oils and coolants experience any signs of early breakdown or contamination. Not only does fluid sampling check them for signs of thermal breakdown, mechanical breakdown or contamination; but, the lab can also check for any indication of internal part wear. Oil and coolant analysis allows you to detect anything that might need your attention long before they can result in road calls, expensive repairs or lost travel time. To learn more about what this test involves, check out this PDF
This is ultimately decided on by the Inspector you hire, however most clients should expect to have the report ready within 48 hours following your inspection. If you had fluid samples taken during your inspection, those reports can take up to 5-7 business days from the date of inspection and will likely be sent to you after you’ve already received your actual inspection findings.